Office Hours

Mon - Fri 7 AM to 6 PM

1602 W Valley Hwy S

Auburn, WA 98001

Septic Repairs, Jetting & Troubleshooting Service

Jetting 2
Jetting 3

Be Proactive and Get the Right Help

Do Not Ignore!

Perhaps you’ve had a high-water usage day? It could be due to a worn-out float switch or a malfunctioning pump. Numerous factors can trigger an active septic alarm, and ignoring it is not advisable. Many individuals opt to silence the alarm, hoping the system will rectify itself, only to find themselves with a flooded home and a bathtub full of wastewater. If you’re currently reading this with an active septic alarm, call us immediately—we aim to address and resolve the alarm and septic issue promptly!

Excessive water usage within a short timeframe can result in Hydraulic Overload. Whether you’ve recently done multiple loads of laundry, and the kids have taken showers post-soccer practice, pump systems on timers have limitations on evacuating wastewater within specific periods. They distribute wastewater throughout the day to prevent overwhelming the drainfield. If you’re unsure about the situation, reach out to us. We’ll guide you through potential scenarios and help identify the issue.


We Repair The Following
  • Pumps
  • Mainlines
  • Risers
  • Tanks
  • Drain Fields
  • Pipe Replacements
  • Issues with Very Slow Draining/Flushing

When was the last time you cleaned your effluent/outlet baffle filter? Do you know if you have one? It could be a contributing factor to a septic draining problem, though it’s not the sole reason.

Have you checked your baffles? If that’s not the issue, a clogged line in one part of the system might be the cause. Cleaning your outlet filter or je􀆫ng your mainline may be necessary.

Jetting is occasionally essential to clear pipes of accumulated debris and grease over several years. If there’s a blockage, this service can usually address it. The mainline, connecting all interior drains to the septic tank, often requires jetting and is a crucial step in drainfield restoration.

Don’t panic—we’re here to assist! If your septic alarm is sounding, your stress level may be high. Take a deep breath and, before doing anything else, call us immediately. We’ll guide you through turning off the alarm and determining whether an immediate visit is necessary or if it can wait until morning.

In the Pacific Northwest, the most common reason for a septic alarm is an excessive influx of water into the septic pump tank. Timers and systems can be disrupted by a sudden surge of water into the septic system. Another common culprit is an issue with the electrical power to your septic system. While there might be other potential causes for a septic alarm, these are the primary reasons why alarms are triggered.

If you’re dealing with a septic alarm, don’t hesitate to call us. We’re available around the clock for all septic emergencies. We understand the stress associated with septic alarms and are here to provide assistance.

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